Your windows and doors are an important element of your home’s security, energy efficiency, and appeal. Performing proper maintenance will make your windows perform better, last longer, and look more appealing. G Home Windows & Doors discusses the importance of keeping your window in top condition, along with advice on how to maintain them.

The Importance of Maintenance for Your Windows and Doors

Why Maintenance Is Important

Part of your windows and doors’ function is protecting you from harsh weather conditions. These are constantly exposed to the changing climate and the outside world, so expect some wear and tear. Nevertheless, just because these do a great job protecting your home doesn’t mean that these are invincible.

Those small cracks and damage will accumulate, which can reduce the service life of your casement windows and patio doors. To prevent this from happening, these need regular maintenance. This goes double if you have old wooden windows or doors. These are more susceptible to cracks; rot and mildew are also a constant threat. Wooden windows and doors need a lot of care and attention to keep them performing well.


Advice on Maintaining Your Doors and Windows

Proper maintenance of your windows and doors start with cleaning. Afterwards, check if there are any cracks or gaps. Studies show that openings and cracks around your windows and doors can account for up to 10% of your heating bills. Caulk and seal any gaps you find. Make sure to check your weatherstripping as well; replace them with new ones if necessary.

If you have wooden windows and doors, you should also check them for rot and decay. If your windows and doors are too old or you simply want a window that requires less fuss, then we can help. EcoView Windows & Doors performs high quality door and window replacement with exceptional products.

Our replacement windows and patio doors are made from strong and durable vinyl that requires practically no maintenance. Its colors won’t fade under long-term sun exposure; it also resists dents, scratches, mold, stains, and dirt.

Our window frames are also insulated for increased energy efficiency. Both our windows and patio doors include our exclusive Our SolarFlect™ Insulating Glass. This glass has a special coating that prevents heat loss in the colder months, while helping your home stay cool in the summer.

For our entry doors, we have partnered with ProVia to provide you with the most durable and beautiful custom entry doors today. Their doors can be made of metal or fiberglass. Both options are energy-efficient, require little maintenance, and come in a variety of appealing designs.

G Home Improvement is focused on making your window and door replacement as smooth as possible. You can expect our replacement windows and doors to give you years of service and comfort with little more than the occasional wash to keep them looking beautiful and functional. Give us a call at 614-600-4003 to learn more about our products and services. We also offer a free estimate.



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